Call Us: 555-555-1234


Dr. CroweWe are open Monday through Friday 8 am to 6 pm, We close on Thursdays at 5 pm. Dr's hours are by appointment. Pictured above: Dr. Crowe runs with the big dogs.

Like Family

Like FamilyWe are here for the life of your pet...because we care. We are here for you and your family from the pitter patter of puppy and kitten paws to the tromping steps of the healthy adult fur-baby to the slowing down of your aging senior. We consider you part of our Creekside family and hope you come to think of Creekside as part of yours.


TheoWe are in Goose Creek, next to Big Lots in the Crowfield Village Shopping Center at 431 St. James Avenue.

Dr. Crowe and Dr. Woodward both perform surgery at Creekside.

Surgeries include soft tissue, orthopedic procedures, gastropexy, spays/neuters, mass removals, cosmetic surgeries such as ear crops.

Dr. Jan Crowe in Surgery (pictured below)

Dr Crowe in Surgery
Dr Crowe in Surgery 2